

Campaign Automation is tracking Campaign performance data and transforming that into transactional Insights, displayed in the Realife Portal in a consumable format. Insights will principally measure Campaign impressions, as well as consequential transactions. 

Impressions are measured from engagement with particular Campaign assets, whether that be click-throughs for Widgets or the opening of a Push Notification. Partners will be able to register these impressions as analytic events in the SDK, which will then be passed back to Realife’s data lake.


To produce visionary concepts that will help build a help understand what we can deliver now, near and future.

Project Duration

1 Month

Methods and Tools

Visual Design

Design challenge.

Impression data will then be measured against transaction data from the corresponding system (e.g. ticketing platform), to provide a clear picture of both the volume and value of transactions driven by the Campaign. There were a lot of discussions of what API can help benefit produce Insights. As a Visionary Piece, this helped to understand what our clients’ wants and needs to pinpoint what sort of charts to use, what metrics we should be measuring, and how it can help monetize RealifeTech.

The research.

Understanding the needs

Based on the requirements given and research conducted by Product Growth, I wanted to understand how Insights can benefit the client and help them monetize their campaigns. Working closely with Product Growth, Product Managers, and the Design Team, the research found that:

Clients want to monitor how well their campaign is performing

Having a brief overview of information allows clients to quickly make decisions about the campaign and how they can compare YoY

What relevant data metrics are to be used as well as how can we convey the information to our clients?

How many levels can a campaign go through e.g. the number of levels for the client to deep dive further

The solution.

To determine a dashboard that will provide an overview of campaign information where clients can understand what they need to make an actionable decision. Insights will be going through two levels deep for them to analyze the information as well comparing whether there is an uplift for a particular asset. 

Getting an overview of information

Displaying high-level information that will help digest information for our clients to make quick decisions. Clients want to know whether their Food and Beverages are performing well to understand how much revenue they are making for All Campaigns.

Delving Deeper into Campaigns

Displaying Campaigns as a general overview allows to see the click rate and impressions that All Campaigns are performing. This helps to compare and contrast a particular day, week, or month.

How Campaign Assets build up a Campaign

Using a single campaign, we can delve deeper into the asset level. This allows campaign managers to know what asset is performing well at a particular time and helps to identify if that asset helped create revenue.

A Campaign Asset makes a difference

Through this 3rd level, this becomes more granular and more precise on how the asset is performing. Push Notification, in particular, is based on open rate, delivery rate, and how many customers are still remaining.

Understanding your Campaign’s Journey

Based on the open rate, the campaign manager can identify the journey that the customer has taken. Showcasing from the point of opening the push notification to checking out a product and converting successfully.

Key Takeaways

Insights was a huge motivator for the Business, helping them mold their ideas and how I used my previous knowledge in analytics to build a visionary product that will be used as inspiration for later iterations. With this idea, they decided to use DOMO, an analytics tool that allows us to manipulate data into specific visuals.

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