Solving Problems.

Us Product Designers should understand the context of the problem we are trying to solve and how we can make well-informed decisions that is feasible and impactful, ultimately creating a seamless experience and delightful product.

A “typical” for me, consists of collaborating with Designers, Product Managers, Engineers, and other parts of the business, from daily standups, Sprint Planning to casual chats.

As a Product Designer, I deal with multiple products/features at the same time depending on the story points we suggested to the Programme Manager Office, managing workload becomes fluid for every sprint. I start off by gathering and analyzing information that could be missing especially working with Product Managers to understand the requirements. The next step is presenting the findings synthesizing the information and making actionable insights by presenting to the team during the “Discovery and Define” phase. This includes prioritizing a list of ideas, goals, and suggested diagrams.

This is where the fun begins. Planning out the journey with a series of user flows helps to pinpoint any problems where this is followed by wireframes and conceptual mockups. Based on the concepts produced, testing out the product/feature if assumptions are still in play with stakeholders and putting users first is a must. 

At the end of the day, each day is a different day but it results in the same outcome/idea. Iteration and learning is a never-ending loop of producing different outcomes.

The Process

Starting off by understanding the problem, helps me to frame what I need to do as a product designer and how I can solve the problem. This ultimately leads me to discover a solution and how I can pinpoint and prioritize specific features. Once having a solution in mind, I create specific journeys that will help me create High Fidelity designs and how I can test out my concepts. This is where I can learn and provide feedback on what users discovered. After presenting to stakeholders, this is implemented where I can monitor additional findings 

There are a lot of different processes, from double diamonds to design thinking… They all have the same outcome when it comes to design. It depends on how we can adapt and the process in the given circumstances where this is a never-ending loop of learning and iteration.

I believe in collaboration. Collaboration is key in any company where I build features. I encourage Product Managers, Engineers, Product Growth, and specific stakeholders to partake in the Discovery phase especially understanding the end goal we are trying to achieve. Through hosting workshops, I can uncover areas that will help build a better product and how we can frame problem statements together as a team.

My Key Principles


I like to innovate. A LOT. Since I was a child I created weird toys and stuff. I want to invent. In my teens, I started exploring more of the creative aspects. This is where I fell in love with tech and graphics. Now in my adult life, I always want to innovate more. Explore. Make a difference.


You never stop learning. Literally. I love learning new things and taking up new things. Me, I like to take up various things, for example, I’m learning to Surf, Snowboard, play the Ukulele, and do anything when I apply my mind to it.


Collaboration is key. Getting people together to achieve a goal or task helps to collate ideas from other people. As a Product Designer, I cherish the input of others, listening to what people have, to me, brings silence to the table.


Passion is the key ingredient to making anything impossible possible. Passion for what you do and how you want to achieve it will help you grow further. I am a Movie Buff who likes comics, tech, games, and user experience. These things are the things I am passionate about.

Wrapping Up

Throughout my career, I’ve been exposed to a diverse range of business models, processes, and design challenges. I’ve been enriched with experience from different projects and naturally progressing into a visionary and experimental product designer, especially working remotely with different teams.

As I conclude, understanding and applying UX principles open up so many windows. Being adaptable to any size of company helps to produce better outcomes wherever my life leads.

Want To Chat?

Let’s begin with a simple conversation whether it’s regarding a job, advice or a normal chitchat on UX.
I am happy to talk about my process and approach in the world of user experience.